Happy Birthday Taylor Swift! You little Music Mogul!

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Today is the anniversary of the birth of Taylor Swift! Your 23 today and look what you have done to our world… for good and bad. We love you!

Just think what the world would be like without her!? She has had a serious impact on our music landscape and trends.

I mean you can’t go to Target without seeing her little face at every turn.

This little video will explain her influence and life in American Pop Culture. Enjoy!

Lastly here is a few of our favorite Tay Tay photos.



Beats4LA is written and maintained by real people, who really work in the Music Industry and have a love for the business. This blog was started out of the belief we need a place to listen and watch all things music. Expect all types of music, all types of opinions, and all types of exclusives. Music = Life and someone has to share the best of Pop, Dance, Hip-Hop, RnB, Rock, & everything else with you.

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